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Mixed Vegetable-2
Project Overview
3.75% - 4.25%
3 Months
Unit Price
10,000 BDT
Khulna & Sirajgonj & Rangpur
Project Details
Bangladesh is a developing nation with an agro-economy. Vegetable cultivation is one of the crop farming enterprises that ensures the country's food and nutritional security. In Bangladesh, nearly four million people, including over a million women, work in commercial or homestead vegetable cultivation. Vegetable cultivation in Bangladesh is growing at a rapid pace these days. Currently, 2.57 percent of Bangladesh's total land area is used for vegetable production, yielding 3.73 million tons of vegetables per year. Farmers benefit far more from vegetables than from other crops. Vegetables have the potential to improve the nutritional status of Bangladeshi people who are severely malnourished.
Approximate Profit Statement
3.75% - 4.25%
3 Months
Total Return
৳ 10,375 - ৳ 10,425
Khulna & Sirajgonj & Rangpur
Profit Count :
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